What are structural calculations, and will your project require them?

What are structural calculations, and will your project require them?

Calculating resources and costs

Over time, as property prices have increased, many people have opted to improve their existing buildings rather than move to new ones. This is a shrewd strategy; however, it also demands that these people carefully verify their property improvement projects for safety and reliability before the work proper gets underway.

Structural calculations account for every aspect of the construction project, including any foundations, walls and rafters to be added. The calculations will determine what resources will be needed and all of the potential financial expenses attached to undertaking the work. The structural calculations will also make note of any risks that the project could run.

When would you “need” structural calculations?

As not quite all property improvement projects require a structural calculations report, you could be tempted to try forgoing it in your case. However, for a number of projects, including home extensions and loft conversions, this report would be legally required by building regulations. Therefore, it would be crucial for you to check whether your particular project will need these calculations.

As a homeowner, you will need a structural calculations report if the improvements you intend to deliver for your home are extensive or will necessitate the removal of a chimney breast or load-bearing wall. In all, the report will assess structural strength by considering, for example, weight and stability.

Practical benefits of structural calculations

Creating a structural calculations report is far from straightforward, which is why the task must be handled by a qualified structural engineer. However, once that report is finished, it should include details – including about structural elements and reinforcements – useful for reassuring you that the project will be feasible in practice.

The report should also, as the builder works to its specifications, help to reduce how likely the project is to overrun its budget – not least because, using this report, the builder could more easily order the required amount of the right resources. Please ring us on 0208 087 2607 to learn more about our ability to provide structural calculations.

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